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Dear World,


Sept of 2023 had us start a winter drought! We really have very little control or idea of what the growing season for 2024 will look like. Mandy does not have irrigation so the fields are always a challenge. Mandy's soil has been built up to be very resilliant and the taste of all veggies are very high quality.


At this point Mandy is unsure if her Garlic will survive the strange weather this winter as there has been minimal snow cover.  However in order to plan accordingly these are the veggies Mandy is more confident in planting!


  • Tomatoes - Take home green in Sept. can ripen till November. 15 lbs minimum.
    One plant usually brings 15 lbs this is the best way to manage costing! Can receive over two deliveries.
  • Pickling Cucumbers and Dill. 10 lbs minimum - Lots of water required so pre-order to make sure you get priority.
  • Onions- Size determined by moisture but always tasty. 5 lbs minimum.
  • Carrots and Beets - This year Mandy needs a commitment as the labor for weeding is quite high. 10 lbs minimum order.
  • Peas and Beans - Can grow but you would have to come pick when ready!
  • Cabbage - While Cabbage needs water, Mandy has learned how to grow it pretty well the last few years.
  • Herbs - Well most people really don't order them, but Mandy enjoys growing Sage, Basil, Oregano and some times Rosemary as they are great with poultry. I can try if you want me to grow it for you!
  • Potatoes - So this is something that Mandy got out of years ago, but there have been a few requests last year. This would be a one-time delivery in a 25lb bag minimum. If you can sort out the storing space, we will try to grow them for you!
  • Raspberries - We have 2 acres and we never know what the crop will look like. The last few years have been really good. We pick, then freeze but you are welcome to come pick fresh.
  • Garlic - Uknown prognosis but hopeful
  • Rhubarb - We have it from June through September. This year Mandy will sell frozen bags as well!


Now if May comes and things are looking really dry, we may have to make some big adjustments to our growing plans.  The more information we have about what you would like, the eaiser it will be for us to make the decision on what to grow! Let us grow your garden!


Most veggies are $3.50per lbs, if you come and pick, they will be a bit cheaper! Garlic and Raspberries are different price points. Small amounts are lots of work so they are generally$4/lbs.  The more information we have before the better we can price!

Garden Deposit

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